
I had dream at last night. Like a sunflower blooming among the withered flowers, like a child delighted by its mother's presence, and like a kite gliding high in the sky. 

When it dawned, everything was forgotten. I hurriedly went to the library as usual. The drizzling rain outside was telling me to sleep, but the half-read book was urging me to read it. The madness of the book was more than the sleep, so I left regardless of the rain. 

Even though it was time, the library was not opened yet. Meanwhile, the librarian who came cursing the rain took the keys from the bag with his wet hands and handed them to me. I went inside and started to read the book. I was drowning in the depth of the story, and the outside world was becoming dormant to me.Like a sleeping child waking up to its mother's voice, my mind, which had sunk into the story, was awakened by the sound of thunder. 

It had been two-three hours since I had been surrounded by hundreds of people. I searched around, hoping to find someone I knew, but all I saw were unclear faces. Then, one clear face appeared among the unclear ones. Her face was shining like the sunflower, just like I had seen in my dream. My mind felt like a child in its mother's lap. I felt as free as a kite flying high in the sky.

Her smiling face is etched in my heart. The chill breeze, which soaked in rain, was coming from the window to me, surpassing her. That gentle breeze gave me the experience of her touch and proximity. I couldn't hold the weight of her beauty, so I went closer to her. My heart raced. For a second, I lost my breath. I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh. When I opened my eyes, she was looking at me with a smile. I extended my hand, and she placed her hand in mine, which was soft as a flower petal. I was lost in the tenderness of that touch. At that time, I thought she was with me even in past lives. The sudden sound of a falling book brought me back to reality.

I said, "Even if you hadn't introduced yourself, I feel like I've seen you before. Who are you, beautiful?" Again, she smiled, and with every smile, my mind was drawn to her. She was capturing my heart. 

She asked, "Don't you remember me?" I'm that girl who used to sit beside you and read. I've just gained a little weight." 

"Ohh….. Now I get it…. You're my dearest Gargi….. What are you doing here in my hometown?" It's been five or six years since we left college, so I hadn't recognized you initially. Now, you've grown into a stunning beauty, captivating everyone's attention. These words triggered her uncontrollable laughter. The once-quiet library is now filled with the waves of her radiant smile.

In that house of books, the roots of our friendship grew stronger day by day, like a tree on fertile land. Every day, I waited eagerly for her, surrounded by unopened books. She had become the source of my joy, and the days we didn't meet felt empty and tedious. I was deeply immersed in the ocean of her affection. 

The compassion in her eyes, her smile that shines like a crescent moon in the darkest night, her voice that is as sweet as the music of the rain, and her mind that is as pure and deep as the blue sky - like this, even in the coldest winter, her memories can warm my heart.

Initially, our friendship was limited to just books. But as time passed, it grew and became a part of our daily lives. Just like how raindrops merge into a single stream, our bond grew stronger with each passing day. We were so lost in our own little world, walking hand in hand, that we didn't even realize how many miles we had traveled together under one umbrella in that rainy season. It was as if time had stood still, and all that mattered was the present moment. 

After I met her, I spent more time holding her hand and walking through the streets than sitting on the library chair. I found it more enjoyable to listen to her words than to hear the stories told by books. She filled my heart with emotions that books couldn't express. Our laughter and tearful stories, the path we walked together, became a witness to our journey.

Even though Amma had never seen Gargi before, my descriptions of her had reached Amma. As I held Gargi close, her head resting on my shoulder, Amma gazed at her half-conscious form, and the questioning look on Amma's face was met with a gentle smile from Gargi. Without a word, Amma drew me in, and I led Gargi to a soft couch prepared by Amma, where she could rest, feel comfortable, and finally feel safe. Under Amma's nurturing care and loving gaze, Gargi's vitality swiftly returned. Yielding to Amma's persuasion, Gargi left her rented room and took up residence with us, becoming an integral member of our family.

As we spent more time together, people began to talk and spin all sorts of stories about us. But despite the rumors, a deep and meaningful friendship blossomed between us. The river of love flowed into the ocean of friendship. And when Gargi found a sense of belonging in Amma's loving arms, she became like a sister to me - a true and loyal companion.

One day, everyone decided to go to the village temple together, as per Appa's wish. I asked Gargi to wear a saree and brought Amma's saree for her. The beautiful saree suited her perfectly, and as she walked towards me with graceful steps, her beauty left me mesmerized. My heart swelled with joy, and I felt a thrill. I was so lost in her charm that I forgot myself, and it was only when she drew close and gently touched the saree pleats that I returned to reality.

As we were returning from the temple, Gargi received a call from home. She had to return home immediately that same evening, and she left in a hurry. With a heavy heart, I accompanied her to the bus station. My senses were telling me that something was amiss, and I was consumed by negative thoughts. I couldn't bear the thought of her going away alone. But I was unable to refuse her family's call.

She boarded the bus with tears in her eyes, it seemed she too was unwilling to travel alone. We shared a tender goodbye, and as the bus departed, my eyes overflowed with tears that seemed to wash away a piece of my heart. I was sitting alone, lost in thought, staring at the path she had taken. The sky itself was consoling me, with a gentle drizzle of rain.

Negative thoughts were swirling in my mind. Then, a phone call struck like lightning, bringing devastating news: "The bus that left just a short while ago has been involved in a devastating accident, with multiple casualties reported." The caller's voice trembled as they urged me to come immediately.

As I heard the news, the sky seemed to crash down on me. I felt the same anguish as a mother who's lost her child. I burst into uncontrollable tears. Gargi's face flashed before my eyes. I teetered on the edge of sanity. Then, I felt Gargi's desperate cry: 'Hurry, I'm waiting for you!' I raced towards the accident site with all speed.

As I drove halfway, I saw a figure walking along the side of the road in the darkness. My heart raced with surprise as I got down from the vehicle to approach the person. As I drew closer, I couldn't believe my eyes - it was Gargi! She was crying, but her face lit up with a warm smile, and I embraced her tightly, overjoyed. It felt like I had regained my lost life. It was like a lost calf returning to its mother's warm embrace, a reunion that filled my heart with joy and gratitude.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" I asked, wiping away her tears. "I left my purse at home, and the ticket and mobile were also there. No matter how much I told them, they wouldn't listen. They got off the bus and left. I didn't know what to do, so I walked alone, crying like a madwoman. I was helpless, I was shouting at my fate. And then you appeared before me."

She was unaware of the narrow escape she had just had on the bus. It was as if divine grace or her own good fortune had saved her from death's clutches. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the accident. Even after calming her down and seating her in the car, she couldn't compose herself. She was thinking about her parents.

Just then, her father called me. "We'll come and surprise Gargi tomorrow," he said. "We'll get to see your town and meet all of you, and spend time with our daughter too." He sounded excited at the prospect of visiting us and catching up with Gargi. His words filled Gargi with joy and relief, and I couldn't wait to see them all together again.

"I feel like I need to eat something to celebrate this happiness... I was so anxious to get here that I didn't even eat properly, and now my stomach is growling. I'm starving!" she exclaimed.

I smiled and drove the car towards the hotel, eager to satisfy her hunger and continue our heartwarming reunion. 

Leaving behind the treacherous path where the accident had occurred, Gargi was now weaving her future dreams on the fabric of happiness. As the car silently moved forward on the dark road, the distant hearts were once again beating as one, merging into the shadows of time, their rhythm echoing through the night.


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